Your email is not well protected against email impersonation/spoofing. We will demonstrate this in the following steps by sending an email on your behalf.

We've sent you an email to verify that you actually own the email address provided. Didn't receive an email in your inbox? Then check your spam box.

You are well on your way to a fully protected email identity! But you are not there yet. Malicious people can still email on your behalf, well their email will show up in the spam!

If you need help in fully protecting your identity, feel free to contact us!

Restart Test

Your email is well protected against email impersonation. We are proud of you. You don't have to do anything anymore.

Restart Test

No MX records were found, so we couldn't send an email.

Restart Test

It looks like the domain doesn't exist, did you make a typo?

Restart Test

Kevlarr is not a service for individuals. However, you can use a private email address to test your business email address for email impersonation. Our service is only provided for organizations with their own email domain.

Restart Test

Your email is well protected from email impersonation! Unfortunately, your traffic is not monitored so you have no insight into the overall security and effectiveness of your e-mail communications. Sign up for our gratis DMARC monitoring here!

Restart Test

The current DMARC policy does not meet the technical requirements and is therefore invalid.

Restart Test


As indicated in the email, you can choose which email address you want to send an email to.

Note: We recommend sending the test email to a different email address/domain then the verified email address. This is to imitate the practice as realistically as possible and reduce the chance of the test email getting through the spam filter stopped.

For your privacy, the second email address will only be used during the spoof testing and it will not be saved.


An email has now been sent to your inbox. If you go to the sender looks, you will see that the email has been sent with your own email address. Have you within a few Didn't receive an email in your inbox for minutes? Then check your spam box.

Protect your identity and start here by understanding the use of your domain

By signing up for our FREE monitoring below, you will be right insight into all systems that are (wrongly) sending emails on behalf of your organization. Sign up below!

We do not ask for your payment (credit card) details! If you are also an MSP, ICT partner or security partner, we have a special one solution for you! Please contact us for further explanation!

Our Process Explained

With our online spoofing tool, you can send an email to any address on behalf of yourself.


To conduct this test, you'll first need to provide the email address you wish to test for spoofing. We will then send the spoofing test from that address. If your email domain is adequately protected, you'll receive a confirmation, and the test will conclude.


As a security measure, we will first confirm that the email address you’ve provided belongs to you. A verification code will be sent to your email, and you will need to enter this code in the following step to proceed.


Afterward, you can provide an additional email address where the spoofed email should be delivered. We recommend using a different email address (preferably from a separate domain) than the one you’re testing. This allows for a more realistic simulation of a spoofing attempt. Please note, our spoofing test email contains only informational content about Kevlarr, with no links or potentially harmful attachments.


It’s possible that your well-configured spam filter could redirect our spoof email to your spam folder. This tends to happen when the recipient’s email address or domain matches the sender's. Unfortunately, this doesn’t stop other recipients with weaker spam filters from receiving the spoof email in their inbox as if it were a legitimate message.

Background Insights

Studies reveal that 90% of businesses worldwide have not adequately secured their emails, making them highly susceptible to email impersonation.

We’ve created a free tool to help raise awareness of this issue and to show you what happens when email impersonation occurs. The test is entirely free and non-binding. If you have any doubts about its reliability or authenticity, feel free to contact us or seek feedback from one of our clients.

Act now and discover whether your email domain is adequately protected from impersonation and spoofing.

What is Spoofing and Can You Prevent It?

Your organization has probably dealt with phishing emails at some point. Clicking on a link in these emails can lead to a website where cybercriminals attempt to steal your personal and financial details or install harmful software.

A related threat is spoofing. When your organization becomes a victim of spoofing, cybercriminals forge emails using your name and sender addresses, often for financial gain.

Such vulnerabilities are possible when your mail domain lack optimal security.

Find Out if You're Vulnerable to Spoofing with our Spoof Test!

Spoofing attacks can lead to severe financial and reputational harm. With Kevlarr’s online spoof test, you can easily check if your organization is at risk. Simply enter the email address you wish to test directly on our website.

If you’re testing your own mail server, use your own email address. If your server is secure, the test will quickly confirm this, and you’ll receive a notification. However, if your mail server doesn’t stop the email, the spoof test email will land in your inbox.

While you’ll recognize the test, many recipients may not. Without adequate spam filters, they could fall victim to such attacks. Make sure your mail server is adequately protected.

Prevent email spoofing with DMARCAI's advanced protection solutions

Preventing spoofing begins with awareness. To help you get started, Kevlarr has made a free online spoofing test available. If the test indicates that your mail server needs additional security, we encourage you to get in touch with us.

Even if you think your security is sufficient, the reality often shows otherwise. Your employees could still be at risk of spoofing attacks, so ensuring maximum security for your mail server is vital. With our expertise, we make spoofing prevention achievable.

Ready to get started? Begin with our free DMARC monitoring today.

Curious about who’s sending emails on your behalf?
Gain insights with our free DMARC monitoring tool.

"While 78% of people claim to be aware of the risks of clicking unknown links in emails, they still click on them."

We're happy to assist you!

Do you have questions about securing your email domain against impersonation or spoofing? Or would you like to know how DMARC AI can assist you? Please leave your details here, and we’ll get in touch with you shortly.

Contact us